Inventory Settings

Ad Units

InMobi enables publishers to monetize their apps and mobile websites through mobile advertising in the form of banner ads, interstitial ads, in-stream video ads, rewarded video ads, and native ads.

Placement is the place and time in your app where ads can be displayed. Examples include showing an ad when you open the app, between levels in a game, or within your app’s feed. An Ad Unit is a form and shape that the ad can take. All apps must have at least one placement and ad unit to send bid requests to InMobi Exchange buyers.

To start monetizing your inventory effectively, create a mix of ad units to build a solid monetization strategy. Choose your ad units from InMobi’s comprehensive portfolio of ad formats.

Banner Ads

A banner ad is a simple, rectangular ad usually displayed on the top or bottom of the screen. Alternatively, medium rectangular banners often are displayed in the middle of app content, which users can view as they scroll through a feed. Banner ads can be static or animated.

Here is what a banner can look like:

Supported Ad Sizes:

  • Mobile: 320x50, 300x250
  • Tablet: 728x90

Interstitial Ads

An interstitial ad is a full-screen ad that engages users with rich content at natural breakpoints in the app’s flow. Interstitials allow users to close the ad content to ensure minimum disruption in their experience while maximizing ad revenue due to their high-impact nature. Interstitial ads can be static, video, or interactive (including playable features).

This is what an interstitial ad looks like:

Supported Ad Sizes:

  • 320x480
  • 320x568

In-Stream Video Ads

An in-stream video ad is a linear, or non-linear video ad served into a video player before, during, and after the content. They are also known as pre-roll, mid-roll, and post-roll.

This is what an in-stream video ad looks like:

Popular Ad Sizes:

  • 480x320
  • 320x480
  • 640x360
  • 568x320

Rewarded Video Ads

A rewarded video ad is a short video ad that rewards users with in-app rewards for watching the video or interacting with the ad.

This is what a rewarded video ad looks like:

Supported Ad Sizes:

  • 320x480
  • 320x568


Google has updated Families Ads and Monetization Policy Requirements and now prohibits monetization and advertising using ad formats that interfere with regular app use or gameplay, including rewarded or opt-in ads that are not closeable after 5 secs.

To help publishers comply with this new guideline on Android apps, InMobi Android SDK is certified with Google Play Families Program. All our Rewarded Video placements are closable after 5 secs for child-directed apps.

Native Ads

A native ad is a customizable ad that seamlessly blends in with your app’s content, feed, and design. The native ad format combines a variety of assets to produce a rich, compelling ad experience that will engage users. Native ads can be static or video.

This is what a native ad looks like:


You can see more ad examples on the InMobi website.

Add Inventory

To add a new app or website, follow the instructions below.

  1. From the left navigation panel, select Inventory Inventory Settings.
  2. On the Inventory Settings page, click Add Inventory and select an inventory channel from the drop-down menu.

    • Mobile App: If you select Mobile App as the inventory channel from the drop-down menu, you should enter your app's App Store or Google Play Store URL in the Enter App Details field on the Start Monetizing your Inventory with InMobi page.

      In the case of an unpublished app, click Link Manually and enter the details such as the App name, operating system, category, and rating.

    • Mobile Website: In the case of Mobile Website, you can link the app directly using the app link. However, you can also link manually by entering the details such as website URL, name, category, and rating.
  3. Click Continue.
  4. In the Compliance and Privacy section, select an appropriate setting to declare your app’s audience and update your Child Privacy Compliance setting. For more information, see Children’s Privacy Compliance.
  5. To allow InMobi to collect and use the location data of your users, select Yes under the Location Permission section.


    If you need help in editing your compliance settings, contact

  6. If you have already configured your block settings, select your desired settings from the Block Settings drop-down list. For more information, see Block Settings.
  7. Click Save and Create Placements.

You have successfully added your app or website.

Create Placements

To create a new placement, follow the instructions below.

  1.  After you set up your inventory, the system redirects you to the Inventory Settings page to create the placement. If it doesn’t, select Inventory Inventory Settings from the left navigation panel.
  2. Search for the app or website you would like to create a placement for, click the expand arrow at the right side of the app, and click Add a placement.


    Alternatively, you can also hover the cursor on the desired app and select Add a placement.

  3. Click Select Ad Unit. You can now view the list of ad units available. Each ad unit has its definition mentioned alongside.

  4. Hover the cursor over the desired ad unit type and click Select. After you select an ad unit type, you can view the respective ad unit further below the page. Enter the ad unit details.
  5. Click Add a placement.
  6. You can choose to activate Audience Bidding for this placement through the integrated header bidding partners. For more information, see Audience Bidding.
  7. Click Create Placements.


You can enable your placement for Test Mode. Global means the test ad can be served across all your Live apps with InMobi, while Device means the test ad can be served across the Test Devices added as per the Integration Tab section.

You have successfully created an ad unit and placement. Repeat the above mentioned steps to create multiple ad units and maximize your inventory fill rate.

Edit your Inventory

After you create the app/website and placements, you can follow the instructions to edit your inventory.

  1. On the Inventory Settings page (Inventory Inventory Settings), search for the app or website you would like to create a placement, click the expand arrow at the right side of the app and click Add a placement.


    Alternatively, you can also hover the cursor on the desired app and select Add a placement.

  2. Click the App Details/Website Details sub-tab.
  3. Select Edit App Settings/Edit Website Settings to make changes.

Archive your Inventory

You can follow the instructions below to archive your apps/websites to disable ad serving.

  1. On the Inventory Settings page (Inventory Inventory Settings), hover the cursor on your desired app or website to the archive.
  2. Click the highlighted app tile and then on App Details/Website Details.
  3. Click Archive App/Archive Website.


    Only the active apps/websites in draft mode appear on the listing page by default.

Unarchive your apps or websites

 To unarchive an archived app/website, follow the instructions below.

  1. Click the Filter button.
  2. Select the Archive checkbox to include archived apps/websites in the listing and click the Apply Filter button.
  3. Click App View Details App Details Unarchive App  or Website View Details Website Details Unarchive Website.

View your app/website performance and settings

Once you start creating and generating bid requests for your apps, data begins to populate in the Performance sub-tab under each app or website, where you can view your apps and websites’ key performance metrics.

Navigate to the App Details, Block Settings, and Identity Settings sub-tabs to have a quick glance at the settings for each of your apps and websites.

On This Page

Last Updated on: 17 Oct, 2024