
We are constantly improving the InMobi SDK to ensure you get the best results on app monetization. The release notes here will give you an overview of all the important changes on InMobi SDK that impact our publishers.

Build 10.7.5 [25/July/2024]

  • Bug Fixes

Build 10.7.4 [14/June/2024]

  • Bug Fixes
  • Existing API change
    • IMWatermark:
      • Updated init method
        • @objc public init(waterMarkImageData: Data)

Build 10.7.2 [23/April/2024]

  • Update to support Privacy Manifest detection by Apple App Store Connect
  • Technical Enhancement: Transitioned SDK framework from static to dynamic for improved performance and compatibility

Build 10.7.1 [20/March/2024]

  • Bug Fixes

Build 10.7.0 [13/March/2024]

  • InMobi SDK is supporting the guidelines proposed by Apple’s Privacy Manifest
  • Updated minimum supported version of Xcode to Xcode 15.0
  • Remove support for iOS 11.0
  • Upgraded OMSDK to v1.4.12
  • Bug Fixes

Build 10.6.4 [07/February/2024]

  • Improved ad loading & rendering performance in the full-screen and video ad formats.
  • Upgraded OMSDK to v1.3.37
  • Bug Fixes

Build 10.6.0 [19/Oct/2023]

  • Bug Fixes

Build 10.5.8 [07/Sep/2023]

  • Support of User Ad Report
  • Support for movable Audio Icons
  • Bug Fixes
  • APIs Added
    • New Class Added : IMMovableView
      • @objc public var isMovable
    • New Class Added : IMAudio
      • @objc public weak var delegate: IMAudioDelegate?
      • @objc public var placementId: Int64
      • @objc public var keywords: String?
      • @objc public var extras: [String: Any]?
      • @objc public var transitionAnimation: AnimationTransition
      • @objc public var contentUrl: String?
      • @objc public var creativeId: String?
      • @objc public init(frame: CGRect, placementId: Int64, delegate: IMAudioDelegate?)
      • @objc public func getAdMetaInfo() -> [String: Any]?
      • @objc public func load()
      • @objc public func show()
      • @objc public func cancel()

Build 10.5.6 [28/June/2023]

  • Support for U.S. data privacy laws
    • APIs Added
      • New Class Added: IMPrivacyCompliance
        • @objc public static func setDoNotSell(_ doNotSell: Bool)
        • @objc public static func setUSPrivacyString(_ privacyString: String)
  • Support for Custom Product Pages

Build 10.5.5 [25/May/2023]

  • Adopt Swift Framework for SDK
  • Updated minimum supported version of Xcode to Xcode 14.1
  • Added SKAN 4.0 Support
  • Bug Fixes
  • APIs added:
    • New Class Added : IMBannerAudioHandler
      • func onView(_ view: UIView, addBannerAudioDelegate delegate: IMBannerAudioDelegate)
    • New Protocol Added : IMBannerAudioDelegate
      • func banner(_ banner: IMBanner, audioStatusChanged status: IMBannerAudioStatus)
    • New Enum Added : IMBannerAudioStatus
  • Existing API change:
    • IMBanner:
      • New variable added
        • audioDelegate: IMBannerAudioDelegate
        • isAudioAd: Bool
    • IMInterstital:
      • -(void)showFrom:(UIViewController*)viewController
    • Added IMCommonConstants File for accessing Constants:
      • Usage:
        • IMCommonConstants.IM_GDPR_CONSENT_AVAILABLE
        • IMCommonConstants.IM_GDPR_CONSENT_IAB
        • IMCommonConstants.IM_SUBJECT_TO_GDPR
        • IMCommonConstants.IM_PARTNER_GDPR_APPLIES
    • Changes in enum:
      • IMSDKLogLevel
        • Usage: IMSDKLogLevelNone, IMSDKLogLevelError, IMSDKLogLevelDebug
      • IMSDKGender
        • Usage: IMSDKGenderMale, IMSDKGenderFemale
      • IMSDKEducation
        • Usage: IMSDKEducationHighSchoolOrLess, IMSDKEducationCollageOrGraduate, IMSDKEducationPostGraduateOrAbove
      • IMSDKAgeGroup
        • Usage: IMSDKAgeGroupBelow18, IMSDKAgeGroupBetween18And24, IMSDKAgeGroupBetween25And29, IMSDKAgeGroupBetween30And34, IMSDKAgeGroupBetween35And44, IMSDKAgeGroupBetween45And54, IMSDKAgeGroupBetween55And65, IMSDKAgeGroupAbove65
      • IMInterstitialAnimationType
        • Usage: IMInterstitialAnimationTypeCoverVertical, IMInterstitialAnimationTypeFlipHorizontal, IMInterstitialAnimationTypeAsNone
  • APIs removed:
    • IMBanner
      • -(void)getSignals
    • IMInterstitial
      • -(void)getSignals
    • IMBannerDelegate
      • -(void)banner:(IMBanner*)banner gotSignals:(NSData*)signals
      • -(void)banner:(IMBanner *)banner failedToGetSignalsWithError:(IMRequestStatus*)status
    • IMInterstitialDelegate
      • -(void)interstitial:(IMInterstitial*)interstitial gotSignals:(NSData*)signals
      • -(void)interstitial:(IMInterstitial*)interstitial failedToGetSignalsWithError:(IMRequestStatus*)status

Build 10.5.0 to 10.5.4 

Build 10.1.4 [06/May/2023]

  • Updated minimum supported version of Xcode to Xcode 14.1
  • Added SKAN 4.0 Support
  • Bug fixes

Build 10.1.3 [24/February/2023]

  • Updated minimum supported version of Xcode to Xcode 14.0
  • Removed support for bitcode, which is deprecated in Xcode 14
  • Removed support for iOS 9 & iOS 10
  • Bug Fixes

Build 10.1.2 [18/November/2022]

  • Audio Ads Support
  • Bug fixes

Build 10.1.1 [31/October/2022]

  • Improved contextual targeting support
  • Bug fixes

Build 10.1.0 [08/September/2022]

  • Added Support for Variable Size SKStore
  • Bug fixes

Build 10.0.8 [15/July/2022]

  • Added Support for Publisher callback - AdImpressed
  • Added Support for Contextual App Targeting
  • New APIs Added
    • IMBannerDelegate:
      • + -(void)bannerAdImpressed:(IMBanner*)banner;
    • IMInterstitialDelegate:
      • + -(void)interstitialAdImpressed:(IMInterstitial*)interstitial;

Build 10.0.7 [25/May/2022]

  • Bug fixes

Build 10.0.6 [13/May/2022]

  • Added Support for Dynamic Orientation
  • Added Support for Custom Browser
  • Improvements in ad response size and rendering
  • Bug fixes

Build 10.0.5 [30/March/2022]

  • Added Support for OnDevice Targeting
  • Added Support for Family apps
  • New APIs Added
    • IMSDK:
      • + +(void)setIsAgeRestricted:(BOOL)isRestricted;
    • IMODTargetingService:
      • + +(void)push:(NSString *)hashId;
  • Bug fixes

Build 10.0.2 [21/January/2022]

  • Updated minimum supported version of XCode to XCode 12.5
  • Improved Landing page opening management
  • Updated License and ReadMe

Build 10.0.1 [19/October/2021]

  • Bug fixes

Build 10.0.0 [30/September/2021]

  • Added support for SKOverlay
  • Added support for M1 Mac Simulator
  • Upgraded OMSDK to v1.3.17
  • New APIs Added
    • IMBanner:
      • + NSString* contentUrl;
    • IMNative:
      • + NSString* contentUrl;
    • IMInterstitial:
      • + NSString* contentUrl;

Build 9.2.1 [20/August/2021]

  • Added support for Xcode 12.0.
  • SKAdNetwork 2.2 and 3.0 support
  • Support for Partner GDPR consent
  • Bug fixes
  • New APIs Added
    • IMSDK:
      • + +(void)setPartnerGDPRConsent:(nullable NSDictionary *)consentDictionary;

Build 9.2.0 [16/July/2021]

  • Updated minimum supported version of Xcode to Xcode 12.5
  • SKAdNetwork 2.2 and 3.0 support
  • Landing page opening management
  • Native support for clicks and impression tracking
  • Load with response support for Native Ads
  • Removed optional moat SDK
  • Bug fixes
  • New APIs Added
    • IMNative:
      • + -(void)load:(NSData*)response;

Build 9.1.7 [01/April/2021]

  • Updated minimum supported version of Xcode to Xcode 12.0
  • Unified Id support
  • AdPods support
  • Bug fixes
  • New APIs added
    • IMSdk:
      • +(void)setPublisherProvidedUnifiedId:(NSDictionary*)ids;
    • IMUnifiedIdService:
      • - +(void)push:(nullable IMUserDataModel *)data;
      • - +(void)reset;
      • - +(void)fetchUnifiedIds:(id<imunifiediddelegate>)delegate;</imunifiediddelegate>
      • <imunifiediddelegate></imunifiediddelegate>- +(void)enableDebugMode:(BOOL)debugMode;
    • IMUnifiedIdDelegate:
      • - +(void)onFetchCompleted:(nullable NSDictionary *)response error:(nullable NSError *)error;
    • IMUserDataModel:
      • - +(instancetype)initWithPhoneNumber:(nullable IMUserDataTypes *)phoneNumber emailId:(nullable IMUserDataTypes *)emailId extras:(nullable NSDictionary *)extras;
    • IMUserDataTypes:
      • - +(instancetype)initWithMd5:(nullable NSString *)md5 sha1:(nullable NSString *)sha1 sha256:(nullable NSString *)sha256;

Build 9.1.5 [11/February/2021]

  • Added support for auto management of AVAudioSession for audio measurability in WKWebView
  • Added new APIs
    • IMSdk:
      • - +(void)shouldAutoManageAVAudioSesssion:(BOOL)value;Bug Fixes
      • - +(NSString *)getToken; - +(NSString *)getTokenWithExtras:(nullable NSDictionary*)extras andKeywords:(nullable NSString*)keywords

Build 9.1.1 [11/November/2020]

  • Added support for CMP-TCF 2.0
  • Bug Fixes

Build 9.1.0 [23/Sep/2020]

  • Added support for iOS 14
  • Added support for SKAdNewtwork
  • Added support for App Tracking Transparency Framework
  • Bug Fixes 

Build 9.0.7 [24/Apr/2020]

Change log for Monetisation SDK

  • Added MAX Header Bidding Support
  • Added MoPub Audience Bidding Support
  • Added Custom Audience Bidding Support
  • New APIs Added
    • IMBannerDelegate:
      • -(void)banner:(IMBanner*)banner gotSignals:(NSData*)signals;
      • -(void)banner:(IMBanner *)banner failedToGetSignalsWithError:(IMRequestStatus*)status;
      • -(void)banner:(IMBanner*)banner didReceiveWithMetaInfo:(IMAdMetaInfo*)info;
        -(void)banner:(IMBanner*)banner didFailToReceiveWithError:(IMRequestStatus*)error;
    • IMInterstitialDelegate:
      • -(void)interstitial:(IMInterstitial*)interstitial gotSignals:(NSData*)signals;
      • -(void)interstitial:(IMInterstitial*)interstitial failedToGetSignalsWithError:(IMRequestStatus*)status;
      • -(void)interstitial:(IMInterstitial*)interstitial didReceiveWithMetaInfo:(IMAdMetaInfo*)metaInfo;
      • -(void)interstitial:(IMInterstitial*)interstitial didFailToReceiveWithError:(NSError*)error;
    • IMBannerPreloadManager:
      • -(void)preload;
      • -(void)load;
    • IMInterstitialPreloadManager:
      • -(void)preload;
      • -(void)load;
  • New Property "preloadManager" is added in IMBanner and IMInterstitial to enable functionality of IMBannerPreloadManager and IMInterstitialPreloadManager respectively
  • APIs Deprecated
    • IMInterstitialDelegate:
    • -(void)interstitialDidReceiveAd:(IMInterstitial*)interstitial;

Change log for Audience Bidding SDK

  • Added Audience Bidding Support.
  • New classes added:
    • IMABMoPubBanner:
      • - (instancetype)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame placementId:(long long)placementId delegate:(id<imabmopubdelegate>)delegate;</imabmopubdelegate>
      • <imabmopubdelegate></imabmopubdelegate>- (void)requestBid:(NSTimeInterval)timeout;
      • - (void)requestBid:(nullable id)ad timeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout;
    • IMABMoPubInterstitial:
      • - (instancetype)initWithPlacementId:(long long)placementId delegate:(id<imabmopubdelegate>)delegate;</imabmopubdelegate>
      • <imabmopubdelegate></imabmopubdelegate>- (void)requestBid:(NSTimeInterval)timeout;
      • - (void)requestBid:(nullable id)ad timeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout;
    • IMABMoPubDelegate:
      • - (void)bidRecievedFor:(nullable id)mpAd andInMobiAd:(id)imAd withTransactionInfo:(NSString*)keyword;
      • - (void)bidFailedFor:(nullable id)ad withError:(NSError*)error;
    • IMFacadeObjectHolder:
      • - (instancetype)initWithMoPubObject:(nullable id)mpAd andInMobiObject:(id)imAd;

Build 9.0.6 [03/Mar/2020]

  • APIs Deprecated
    • - +(void)initWithAccountID:(NSString*)accountID consentDictionary:(nullable NSDictionary*) consentDictionary andError:(NSError * _Nullable * _Nonnull)error;
    • - +(void)initWithAccountID:(NSString *)accountID andError:(NSError * _Nullable * _Nonnull)error;
  • APIs Added
    • + +(void)initWithAccountID:(NSString*)accountID andCompletionHandler:(void (^ _Nullable)( NSError * _Nullable )) completionBlock;
    • + +(void)initWithAccountID:(NSString*)accountID consentDictionary:(nullable NSDictionary*) consentDictionary andCompletionHandler:(void (^ _Nullable)( NSError * _Nullable )) completionBlock;
  • Bug Fixes

Build 9.0.4 [21/Jan/2020]

  • Deprecated initWithAccountID:consentDictionary: api of IMSdk.
  • Added initWithAccountID:consentDictionary:andError: api to IMSdk.
  • Video support for Banner ad
  • Improvement of fraud detection behavior.
  • Support for Applovin(9.11.1), MoPub(5.10.0), AdColony(4.1.0), Vungle(6.4.11), Facebook (5.6.0)
  • Bug Fixes

Build 9.0.3 [10/Dec/2019]

  • Bug Fixes

Build 9.0.2 [20/Nov/2019]

  • Added ability to compile SDK on Xcode 10.2 onwards
  • Bug Fixes

Build 9.0.1 [25/Oct/2019]

  • Added support for IAB GDPR consent string
  • Updated OMSDK to v1.2.19
  • Separated Moat SDK from InMobi SDK and added it as an optional dependency
  • Removed UIWebView from the SDK
  • Bug Fixes

Build 9.0.0 [20/Sept/2019]

  • Changes to support iOS 13
  • New and improved Modularised SDK design
  • Add InMobiMediationSDK.framework to your project for AerServ Mediation.
  • Addressing the issue with layering of FAN banners upon refresh
  • SKStoreProductViewController crash fix.
  • Removed Support for iOS 8.
  • Removed Support for AerServ Native ad format.
  • Removed UIWebView from InMobi SDK. Viewability Partners might be using it.
  • Size reduction for both Framework and ipa inflation.
  • Various Bug Fixes and performance improvements
  • Adapter updates for the following mediation partners:
    • MoPub - v5.9.0
    • Google Mobile Ads - v7.50.0
  • APIs Added
    • IMBanner Class
      • + -(void)cancel;
    • IMInterstitial Class
      • + -(void)cancel;
    • ASAdView Class
      • - @property (nonatomic, assign) ASEnvironmentType env;
      • - @property (nonatomic, assign) ASPlatformType platform;
      • - @property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL isMuted;
      • - @property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL outlineAd;
      • - @property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL sizeAdToFit;
      • - @property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL useHeaderBidding;
      • - @property (nonatomic, strong) NSArray* keyWords;
      • - @property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL allowAdvertiserCloseButton;
      • - -(void)forceRefreshAd;
      • - -(CGSize)adContentSize;
      • - -(void)rotateToOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)newOrientation;
      • - -(void)play;
      • - -(void)pause;
    • ASAdViewDelegate Protocol
      • - -(void)willLeaveApplicatonFromAd:(ASAdView*)adView;
      • - -(void)adSizeChanged:(ASAdView*)adView;
      • - -(void)adView:(ASAdView*)adView didFireAdvertiserEventWithMessage:(NSString*)msg;
    • ASInterstitialViewController Class
      • - @property (nonatomic, assign) ASEnvironmentType env;
      • - @property (nonatomic, assign) ASPlatformType platform;
      • - @property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL isMuted;
      • - @property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL showOutline;
      • - @property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL useHeaderBidding;
      • - -(void)play;
      • - -(void)pause;
    • ASInterstitialViewControllerDelegate Protocol
      • - -(void)interstitialViewControllerAdInteraction:(ASInterstitialViewController*)viewController;
      • - -(void)interstitialViewController:(ASInterstitialViewController*)viewController didFireAdvertiserEventWithMessage:(NSString*)msg;

Build 8.2.0 [16/July/2019]

  • TRC Removal
  • Caching Removal
  • Mraid Viewable Definition Change
  • Bug fixes

Build 8.1.2 [16/July/2019]

  • Audience bidding support for DFP
  • SDK size Reduction
  • New api to set slot size for Banner in Audience Bidding
  • Bug fixes

Build 8.1.1 [13/June/2019]

  • Adapter updates for the following mediation partners:
    • AdColony - 3.3.8
    • Facebook - 5.3.2
  • Bug fixes

Build 8.1.0 [09/May/2019]

  • Audience bidding support for AppNexus
  • Added bid response support for Audience bidding
  • Added DFP Custom Event support
  • Bug fixes

Build 8.0.8 [17/April/2019]

  • Addressing the issue with layering of FAN banners upon refresh

Build 8.0.7 [09/April/2019]

  • Audience bidding support for APS
  • Additional support for higher granularity keywords

Build 8.0.5 [11/Mar/2019]

  • Audience bidding support for MoPub
  • Adapter updates for the following mediation partners:
    • AdColony - 3.3.6
    • AppLovin - 6.1.4
    • Chartboost - 7.3.0
    • Facebook - 5.1.0
    • Flurry - 9.2.3
    • MoPub - 5.4.1
    • MyTarget - 4.8.8
    • Vungle - 6.3.2
    • OneMobile AOL (Millennial Media) - 6.8.2
    • Vungle - 6.3.2
    • Unity - 3.0.0
  • Deprecated Tremor support
  • Deprecated Flurry banner support
  • Added support for additional reporting for AppLovin and Chartboost
  • Bug fixes
  • Google open auction support

Build 8.0.2 [12/Dec/2018]

  • Mediation bug fixes

Build 8.0.1 [21/Nov/2018]

  • Added mediation support
  • Bug fixes

Build 8.0.0 [17/Oct/2018]

  • Added OMSDK support
  • Unification of InMobi and AerServ SDK

Build 7.3.1 [11/July/2019]

  • Google open auction support

Build 7.3.0 [27/Jun/2019]

  • Bug Fixes and Optimization

Build 7.2.9 [28/May/2019]

  • Bug Fixes

Build 7.2.8 [30/Apr/2019]

  • Framework size reduction
  • Bug Fixes
  • APIs Added
    • * IMNative Class
      • + -(void)nativeAdIsAvailable:(IMNative*)native;

Build 7.2.7 [26/Feb/2019]

  • Support for MMA Viewability in China
  • Bug Fixes

Build 7.2.4 [21/Jan/2019]

  • Bug Fixes

Build 7.3.1 [11/July/2019]

  • Google open auction support

Build 7.3.0 [27/Jun/2019]

  • Bug Fixes and Optimization

Build 7.2.9 [28/May/2019]

  • Bug Fixes

Build 7.2.8 [30/Apr/2019]

  • Framework size reduction
  • Bug Fixes
  • APIs Added
    • IMNative Class:
      • + -(void)nativeAdIsAvailable:(IMNative*)native;

Build 7.2.7 [26/Feb/2019]

  • Support for MMA Viewability in China
  • Bug Fixes

Build 7.2.4 [21/Jan/2019]

  • Bug Fixes

On This Page

Last Updated on: 25 Jul, 2024