Sample Bid Response

InMobi sends an ad response in compliance with Section 4 of OpenRTB 2.5 API specification. The response structure may vary depending on the parameters received in the advertiser or DSP response. However, partners can expect the bid responses to be similar to the sample response shown below.


"cur": "USD",
"id": "33e45dac",
"seatbid": [
"bid": [
"crid": "<adv>f9b3e81e09a7463a82cc4b2b6ab19538<crid>1244180",
"adomain": [""],
"price": 99,
"cat": ["IAB7-39"],
"id": "601d5e26-0179-1000-d600-00290000008d",
"adm": "<!--?xml version=\"1.0\.............>",
"impid": "1"
] }
] }

Additional SKAd Network 2.0 bid-extension for iOS only🔗

"seatbid": [
"bid": [
"ext": {
"skadn": {
"version": "2.0",
"network": "cdkw7geqsh.skadnetwork",
"campaign": "45",
"itunesitem": "123456789",
"nonce": "473b1a16-b4ef-43ad-9591-fcf3aefa82a7",
"sourceapp": "880047117",
"timestamp": "1594406341232",

Additional SKAd Network 2.2 bid-extension for iOS only🔗


"seatbid": [ 


"bid": [ 


"ext": { 

 "skadn": { 

"version": "2.2", 

"network": "cdkw7geqsh.skadnetwork", 

"campaign": "45", 

"itunesitem": "123456789", 

"sourceapp": "880047117", 

"fidelities": [ 


"fidelity": 0, 


"nonce": "473b1a16-b4ef-43ad-9591-fcf3aefa82a7", 

"timestamp": "1594406341" 



"fidelity": 1, 


"nonce": "e650de09-2a9f-4dc3-a4d1-544c402e9095", 

"timestamp": "1594406342" 










Sample Native Response🔗

"seatbid": [
"bid": [
"nurl": "",
"crid": "4f44f8daf4cb409ca3e5e5e823bc1e92BqIBET3-",
"adomain": [""],
"price": 0.14896,
"cat": [],
"id": "60cc87df-0179-1000-c800-008d0000008a",
"adm": "{ \"native\":{ \"ver\":\"1.2\",\"assets\":[{ \"id\":1,\"title\":{ \"text\":\"Hello World\"} ,\"required\":1} ,{ \"img\":{ \"w\":512,\"h\":512,\"url\":\"\"} ,\"id\":2,\"required\":1} ,{ \"img\":{ \"w\":1200,\"h\":628,\"url\":\"\"} ,\"id\":3,\"required\":1} ,{ \"data\":{ \"value\":\"InMobi, inc.\"} ,\"id\":4,\"required\":0} ,{ \"data\":{ \"value\":\"Coins\"} ,\"id\":6,\"required\":0} ],\"link\":{ \"url\":\"\"} ,\"eventtrackers\":[{ \"method\":1,\"event\":1,\"url\":\"\"} ]} } ",
"impid": "1"


HTTP 204 “No Content”: For valid ad requests (with no fill or response).

HTTP 400 “Bad Request": For invalid ad requests (i.e. missing required parameters).


On This Page

Last Updated on: 03 Dec, 2021