This topic explains GPP, its relevance for publishers to stay compliant with different regulations, and how InMobi Ad Exchange supports GPP through SDK and API integrations.

What is GPP?

The Global Privacy Platform (GPP) by the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) is a standardized global framework for managing user consent in digital advertising. For more information, see GPP.

Why is it relevant to U.S. Privacy?

The GPP aims to simplify the conveyance of privacy, consent, and consumer choice signals from websites and applications to ad tech vendors. It empowers advertisers, publishers, and technology vendors to align with regulatory requirements globally. 

The GPP centralizes the management of diverse consent signals from various global privacy jurisdictions and additionally accommodates the Global Privacy Control (GPC), a browser-level signal enabling individuals to opt out of information sale or sharing. The GPP currently supports consent strings for the US Privacy and IAB Europe TCF.

The US Privacy String has been deprecated as of April 30, 2024. The legacy US Privacy signal does not support the four US states privacy signals —VA, CO, CT, and UT. For CCPA, only a few of the required consents are supported. In contrast, the new state signals for the other four states will only be supported by the GPP. 

How does InMobi support GPP?

InMobi Ad Exchange now supports GPP through InMobi SDK and API integrations. 

For SDK integrations, the app can store the GPP strings in Shared Preferences for Android and Managed under the key names for iOS, prescribed by IAB: The key names are : IABGPP_HDR_Version, IABGPP_HDR_Sections, IABGPP_HDR_GppString, IABGPP_GppSID. For more details, see In-App Key Names.

For API integration, you can now send GPP strings via regs → ext → gpp or directly under regs: regs → gpp.

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Last Updated on: 06 Dec, 2024