InMobi’s SDK 10.8.2 brings a superior monetization opportunity for your apps. The upgrade is super simple with a drag-and-drop integration and a few compliance steps.
For more information on the iOS integration, see Getting Started with iOS SDK Integration.
The latest version of InMobi SDK supports:
Import of sub-modules such as InMobi.IMBanner
(or InMobi.IMSdk
Issue: Compilation error “No submodule named 'IMSdk' in module 'InMobiSDK
'; did you mean 'Swift'?"
Reason: The notion of sub-modules is not supported in Swift by default.
Solution: Replace (@import InMobiSDK.IMBanner;
) with (@import InMobiSDK;
This is also applicable to any other submodule (such as InMobiSDK.IMSdk
, InMobiSDK.IMBannerDelegate
...). Notes: This is also applicable if you have a line such as (#import <InMobiSDK/IMBanner.h>
). In this case, you will also need to replace it with (@import InMobiSDK;
Usage of Constants such as IM_GDPR_CONSENT_AVAILABLE
Issue: Compilation error “Use of undeclared identifier IM_GDPR_CONSENT_AVAILABLE
All these constants are now available under the class IMCommonConstants.
Other constants that are now static members of IMCommonConstants
Usage of Enum values with Objective-C (k) notation:
Issue: Compilation error “Use of undeclared identifier kIMSDKLogLevelDebug
, did you mean IMSDKLogLevelDebug
XCode Suggestion: Replace kIMSDKLogLevelDebug
with IMSDKLogLevelDebug
Solution: Please accept the fix suggested by the XCode editor.
This applies to the usage of any other constant with objective-C ‘k’ notation. kIMSDKAgeGroupBelow18
, kIMSDKEducationHighSchoolOrLess
, kIMSDKGenderMale
can all be corrected using the same approach. The complete list of the Enums that may be present in your application includes: IMSDKGender
, IMSDKEducation
, and IMSDKAgeGroup
Methods showFromViewContoller for IMInterstitial class:
Issue: There are two overloaded versions of this method, and both will give you a compilation error.
Solution: Please accept changes suggested by the XCode Code Completion feature.
Example 1: Replace the older with, the newer:
[self.interstitial showFromViewController: self];
[self.interstitial showFrom: self];
Example 2: Replace the older with the newer:
[self.interstitial showFromViewController:self withAnimation: kIMInterstitialAnimationTypeCoverVertical];
[self.interstitial showFrom:self with:IMInterstitialAnimationTypeCoverVertical];
When you type ‘[self.interstitial show’, it should give you both the variants to choose from.
Linking errors for pure Objective-C application:
Issue: If you have a pure objective-C application (without a single Swift file), then you will get a lot of linking errors such as:
Undefined symbol: _OBJC_CLASS_$__TtCs12_SwiftObject
Undefined symbol: value witness table for () and so on. This is because InMobi SDK is a statically linked framework, and your application cannot find the path for the swift libraries.
Solution: There are two solutions to fix these linking errors:
Solution 1: Please add an empty dummy swift file to your project. When you do that, the XCode editor will ask if it should generate the auto bridging header; select yes. The net effect of this will be that the swift compiler can find the location of required swift libraries hence fixing all the link issues.
This can be done as follows:
Solution 2: Please carefully select your target (from the project) in XCode and go to
Build Settings Search Paths Library Search paths and the following two entries:
Again, the compiler will be able to find the location of swift libraries resulting in fixing the linking errors.
Import sub-modules such as InMobi.IMBanner
(or InMobi.IMSdk
Issue: Compilation error “No such module InMobiSDK.IMBanner
Reason: The notion of sub-modules is not supported in Swift by default.
Solution: Replace (import InMobiSDK.IMBanner
) with (import InMobiSDK
This applies to other submodules (e.g., InMobiSDK.IMSdk
, InMobiSDK.IMBannerDelegate
, and so on).
Use the Constants such as IM_GDPR_CONSENT_AVAILABLE.
Issue: Compilation error “Cannot find 'IM_GDPR_CONSENT_AVAILABLE' in scope"
All these constants are now available under the class IMCommonConstants. Other constants which are now static members of IMCommonConstants class:
Method primaryView
of IMNative
Issue: Return type of this method is now optional. Hence, if you use this method, you must adjust the code to unwrap the method's return value.
Solution: Manual code adjustment. You may want to add this subView to your master view ONLY if the returned value is non-nil.
Example: If you have the following line in your source (older), change it to the newer.
self.contentView.addSubview(native.primaryView(ofWidth: aWidth))
if let aView = native.primaryView(ofWidth: aWidth) {
Ad Object creation in source code:
Issue: If you are creating Ads in source code, please note that all the 3 Ad constructors (IMBanner
, IMInterstitial, and IMNative) now return non-optional instances.
Solution: Please remove the code (if any) for unwrapping/optional binding of the instances returned by these Ad Constructors.
Rename to satisfy this requirement warning:
Issue: Compilation warning(s). “Rename to ‘banner(_: didReceiveWithMetaInfo: )’ to satisfy this requirement
Solution: In most cases, the fix (such as Rename) suggested by XCode is correct.
Example: Source Line with warning
func banner(_ banner: IMBanner!, didReceiveWith info: IMAdMetaInfo!)
Source Line after accepting the code fix by XCode:
func banner(_ banner: IMBanner!, didReceiveWithMetaInfo info: IMAdMetaInfo!)
List of Renamed APIs:
func interstitial(_ interstitial: IMInterstitial!, didReceiveWithMetaInfo metaInfo: IMAdMetaInfo!)
func userWillLeaveApplication(from banner: IMBanner!)
func userWillLeaveApplication(from interstitial: IMInterstitial!)
func userWillLeaveApplication(from native: IMNative!)
func userDidSkipPlayingMedia(from native: IMNative!)
The difference in optionality of a parameter than expected by a protocol:
Issue: Compilation warning(s): “Parameter of 'nativeDidFinishPlayingMedia' has different optionality than expected by protocol 'IMNativeDelegate”
Solution: In most cases, the fix (such as remove!) suggested by XCode is correct.
Example 1:
Source Line with a warning:
func nativeDidFinishLoading(_ native: IMNative!)
Source Line after accepting the code fix by XCode:
func nativeDidFinishLoading(_ native: IMNative)
Example 2:
Source Line with a warning:
func native(native: IMNative!, didFailToLoadWithError error: IMRequestStatus!)
Source Line after accepting the code fix by XCode:
func native(native: IMNative!, didFailToLoadWithError error: IMRequestStatus)
The instance method nearly matches the optional requirement of a protocol warning:
Issue: Compilation warning(s). “Instance method 'native(_:didInteractWithParams:)' nearly matches optional requirement 'native(_:didInteractWithParams:)' of protocol 'IMNativeDelegate' Solution: Please check the method in the respective delegate to see which parameter type is different and do the fix accordingly.
Example 1:
Source Line with a warning:
public func native(native: IMNative!, didInteractWithParams params: [AnyHashable: Any]!)
This method in IMNativeDelegate protocol is expecting params of type [String: Any]. Hence simply updating AnyHashable with String and removing the “!” In the method, the signature will fix the warning.
Correct source line after a manual change:
public func native(native: IMNative!, didInteractWithParams params: [String: Any])
Example 2:
Source Line with the warning:
func banner(_ banner: IMBanner!, didInteractWithParams params: [AnyHashable: Any]!)
If we check this method in IMBannerDelegate
protocol, we can see that there are three differences:
Correct source line after the manual change:
func banner(_ banner: IMBanner, didInteractWithParams params: [String: Any]?)
The following methods have been removed. Hence please stop using them.
-(void)banner:(IMBanner*)banner gotSignals:(NSData*)signals;
-(void)banner:(IMBanner *)banner failedToGetSignalsWithError: (IMRequestStatus*)status;
-(void)interstitial:(IMInterstitial*)interstitial gotSignals:(NSData*)signals;
-(void)interstitial:(IMInterstitial*)interstitial failedToGetSignalsWithError:(IMRequestStatus*)status;
Replacement: Use [IMSdk getToken]
in place of the above methods
By installing this SDK update, you agree that your Children Privacy Compliance setting remains accurate or that you will update that setting, whenever there is a change in your app's audience. You may update the app's Children Privacy Compliance settings at