Google’s Open Bidding


InMobi is now available as an ad source on Open Bidding from Google. If you are an in-app publisher using Google Ad Manager and Google AdMob as your primary ad server, you can add InMobi as a bidding demand source for Open Bidding. If you are a Mobile web publisher with GAM 360, Google AdX, and GAM SMB (with CTA/Click to Accept feature only) accounts, you can join via a GOB integration.


To ‘Go Live’ soon, contact your Customer Success Manager for more information.


  • You should have an account on GAM 360, Google AdX, and GAM SMB (with CTA/Click to Accept feature only).
  • Activate OB via Google Ad Manager (GAM) portal.
  • Sign the contract with InMobi. InMobi connects with Google using an OpenRTB integration.
  • The supported ad formats are Banner, Instream Video, and Native.

Setup on InMobi Publisher Dashboard

Follow the instructions to get your account and inventory up and running on the InMobi Publisher Dashboard.

Step 1: Setup up your InMobi Account: Set up your InMobi account by signing up on the InMobi Publisher Dashboard and name the account as “Pubname - Google OB” to mark the account as an exclusive account for bidding with Google.

Step 2: Add Apps and Placements on InMobi Publisher Dashboard: If you are adding apps and placements for the first time, see Add Your App or Website.


  • Add only those apps which need to be monetized via Google.
  • Create only one placement per ad format.

After adding your sites, follow the instructions below to create new placements specifically for bidding on Google:

  1. Search for the app or website you would like to create a placement for and click + Add a placement.
  2. Select an ad unit. For more information, see Ad Units.
  3. Name your placement and enable Audience Bidding by turning the toggle on. Select Google Open Bidding from the Partner dropdown.
  4. Click Create Placements.


If you need any help during the setup, contact our Customer Success Managers or email us for more information.

Additional Instructions for GDPR

Follow the additional instructions below about GDPR settings on your Google dashboard for higher monetization results. The following configuration applies to traffic from European Economic Area and publishers using AdMob/GAM CMP for GDPR consent purposes. Google CMP provides two ways of adding ad partners on their AdMob/GAM platform:

  • Commonly used ad partners
  • Custom ad partners

InMobi is not part of ‘Commonly used ad partners’ by default, and you must add it manually by selecting Custom ad partners.

Follow the instructions below to enable InMobi under Custom ad partners on your Google dashboard.

  1. On the Google Dashboard, select Privacy & messaging GDPR Settings Review your ad partners.
  2. Select Custom ad partners and then InMobi from the list and save the setting.

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Last Updated on: 16 Dec, 2022