Authentication and Request Protocol


For authentication, you need the following values in the header: 

Key  Value 
x-client-secret  You need to generate an API key. To know how to generate a new API key or access an existing API key, see Reporting API
x-account-id  You need to enter the Account ID. You can find the Account ID in Payment Settings under the Finance tab on InMobi platform. 
x-client-id  You need to enter the email ID of the account. 

List of Available APIs🔗

The APIs are available for the following functionalities: 

Manage Apps

  • Get the list of apps
  • Get the details of a specific app
  • Create a new app
  • Update an existing app

Manage Placements

  • Get the list of placements in an app
  • Get the details of a specific placement
  • Create a new placement in an app
  • Update a placement in an app

Request Protocol🔗

The request protocol of all APIs is https. 

On This Page

Last Updated on: 13 Nov, 2024