Basic Implementation


This page includes step-by-step instructions for integrating the InMobi CMP Web Tag to obtain user consent before activating any tags on your websites. Ensure that you have completed site and consent configurations before tagging. 

Best Practices

  • The Web Tag operates asynchronously, and once consent is obtained, it does not interfere with the loading of other tags on your site. 
  • We recommend you trigger the CMP tag first in the header. This ensures you capture user consent before activating any vendor tags. 
  • Allowing tags to fire before a user's consent can expose your website to compliance risks. 
  • Delaying the loading of the CMP may result in timeout issues, such as IAB vendors being unable to retrieve the consent string in time. This can have a detrimental effect on revenue. 


Retrieve and Implement Your Tag

  1. After you add your sites, click the Web Tag button in the top right corner of the InMobi CMP portal. A modal appears containing the code snippet. You should use it on your website.

  2. When integrating the tag, copy and paste the complete tag into your site's header. Avoid making any modifications to the tag, as alterations may lead to the CMP functioning improperly.

  3. Upon successful implementation of your tag, you can expect consent metrics to commence populating within 1-2 days. Additionally, the status beacon will transition from orange to green.

Implement with Google Tag Manager

For Google Tag Manager support, see Google Tag Manager (GTM) Implementation.

Update Your Tag for IAB Europe’s CMP Domain Changeover

IAB Europe mandates the migration of CMP scripts from subdomains. InMobi CMP has completed this. Publishers must update the consent domain to avoid audits and reminders from IAB Europe. Failure to make required changes may lead to website issues after deprecation.

If you are a Publisher already using our InMobi CMP product please follow the steps below:

  1. After logging in to InMobi CMP portal, check the version number of the CMP.
  2. If the number displayed is less than forty-two (42) then you will need to upgrade. If the number is forty-two or higher or is shown as the Latest, you do not need to upgrade.
    • To upgrade, retrieve, and implement your tag as shown above on this page.
  3. Once completed successfully, customers should see version forty-two (42) (or the Latest) as the CMP version they are running for a given web property 

Confirming the Tag is Live

Callbacks are intended to be handled directly by the CMP through event listeners, as the calls to the CMP commands are intended to be resolved in a synchronous way. We recommend attaching asynchronous callbacks to the CMP through this method as it will be the source of information set up by the CMP at specific moments.

  • Asynchronous Consent String API - When implemented, can add the consent handler, then call the TC Data API to retrieve the string
  • CMP Ping - You can use the Ping once loaded to ensure the CMP is available to you.

Common Errors

Troubleshooting the CMP behavior using the developer console of a browser is the best way to ensure that the tag implementation is done correctly. Some of the common issues that can impact CMP prompt are listed below.

HTTP 403

  • Site is attempting to load the CMP configuration and errors out

    Solution: Please ensure that the API call, like the example above, matches the same site URL you configured in the InMobi CMP Portal. Most common mistakes include:

    Entering in the CMP 'Site' portal when the site loads as (or vice versa) - be sure these match exactly and are lower-case.

  • Not enabling 'Apply to all my subdomains?' option when creating or editing sites

    Solution: When you select Apply to all my subdomains, you must download the </> GET TAG instead of the Universal Tag, through the menu on the site entry in the site's table. For more details, see Sharing Consent Between Multiple Sites.

  • Not entering the exact 'accountId' or 'p-accountId'

    Solution: Copy it exactly since it is case-sensitive and does not include the 'p-' prefix.

  • Custom implementation invokes API to retrieve nonIAB vendor list

    Solution: Since the CMP handles the call to get non-IAB vendors by default, we do not recommend making edits to the tag to do so manually. If a developer intends to invoke this manually, they need to handle HTTP 403 error response returned when there are no non-IAB vendors listed for the account.


Invalidly encoded Base64URL string 

  • Consent string format stored in other CMP not getting auto-picked and stored in InMobi CMP post migration

    Due to the non-standard storage behaviour of the other CMPs, the consent string is not getting auto-picked and an error "Invalidly encoded Base64URL string" is being thrown after migration to InMobi CMP.

    Some CMPs like liveramp store two objects under the variable “euconsent-v2“, namely data object and expiry object. The consent string is stored under the data object. When InMobi CMP tries to read the consent string, then it fetches the two objects instead of the consent string. Hence, it is failing to decode the value, giving the console error.

    Solution: Publishers can use the code below which reads the value from local storage and stores it in the cookie. Then InMobi CMP will start reading the cookie.

    try {
      // Cookie max age, can be as per publisher
      const COOKIE_MAX_AGE = 13 * 30 * 24 * 60 * 60;
      // cookie name set by liveramp and used by Inmobi CMP
      const COOKIE_NAME = 'euconsent-v2';
      // Read euconsent-v2 string set by liveramp
      const euconsentv2 = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('euconsent-v2'));
      // Retrieve the TCF string
      const value =;
      // Store the tcf value in cookies
      const storeCookie = ()=> {
        const expires = new Date( + COOKIE_MAX_AGE * 1000).toUTCString();
        const extraParams =
          window.location.protocol === 'https:' ? ';SameSite=Lax;secure' : '';
        const cookiePath = '/';
        document.cookie =
          COOKIE_NAME +
          '=' +
          value +
          ';path=' +
          cookiePath +
          ';max-age=' +
          COOKIE_MAX_AGE +
          ';expires=' +
          expires +
          ';domain=' +
          '/' +
      // Call the function
    } catch(err) {
      console.warn('Error', err);


    This code has the line “const value =;“, hence it assumes that the string is stored in the object data. This storage may differ for different CMPs - you should check how your previous CMP stores the consent and replace the above code accordingly.

    This is required until you migrate your entire traffic to InMobi CMP, and you can remove the code upon completion as it becomes unnecessary.

Post-Implementation Verification Checklist

Once you have integrated InMobi CMP with your website, follow the checklist to ensure a seamless experience.

  • Check if the callbacks are being returned properly. For details on callbacks, see Web.
  • Check for APIs that trigger MSPA consent screen. For details, see Web APIs.
  • If the consent screen pops up successfully, integration is a success.
  • If you have any questions about implementation, refer to the FAQs. If you face issues, raise a ticket to our support team for further assistance.

On This Page

Last Updated on: 17 Feb, 2025