Version 2.0.1


  • Feature Enhancement:
    • Introduced a new API for getting GDPRData in an asynchronous manner.
      ChoiceCmp.shared.getGDPRData { gdprData in
  • Deprecation:
    • Deprecated the usage of getTCString and getGPPString API, use getGDPRData API instead.

Version 2.0.0


  • Feature Enhancement:
    • Global Privacy Platform: The GPP is a protocol designed to streamline the transmission of privacy, consent, and consumer choice signals from sites and apps to ad tech providers. It enables advertisers, publishers, and technology vendors in the digital advertising industry to adapt to regulatory demands across markets. The GPP currently supports the following privacy strings: the IAB Europe TCF, the MSPA’s US National string, and US states-specific privacy strings for California, Virginia, Utah, Colorado, and Connecticut.
    • Implemented a new API for displaying MSPA / CCPA popup: showUSRegulations(ccpaDelegate: ).
    • Upon MSPA user consent, publishers can use the callback didReceiveUSRegulationsConsent(usRegData: ) to retrieve the MSPA consent values.
    • Introduced a new callback userDidMoveToOtherState(). This callback will be triggered when the user moves to a different state accompanied by a change of regulations.
    • Added Switzerland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway to the list of GDPR countries covered under "EEA & UK".
    • Updated the minimum deployment target to iOS 12.
    • didReceiveIABVendorConsent callback has been updated to didReceiveIABVendorConsent(gdprData: GDPRData, updated: Bool). GDPRData will entail both TC String and GPP String.
    • In addition to GPP String in GDPRData, privacyEncodingMode  has also been added to indicate which encoding mode has been set in the portal.
    • The ChoiceStyle API has been updated to accept dark and light mode colors using ChoiceColor API:
      let colors = ChoiceColor() 
      colors.dividerColor = "#CCBBFF"
      ChoiceStyle(preferredThemeMode: .auto, lightModeColors: colors, darkModeColors: colors)
  • Deprecation:
    • Deprecated the usage of the showCCPA(ccpaDelegate: ) API for displaying CCPA popup. Use showUSRegulations(ccpaDelegate: ) instead.

Version 1.2.1


  • Feature Enhancement:
    • Implemented support for Google Basic Consent.
      • You can seamlessly integrate GBC into GDPR or CCPA popups.
      • Introduced independent display through the API: showGoogleBasicConsent(delegate: ).
      • Upon user consent in the scenarios above, you can leverage the callback didReceiveGoogleBasicConsentChange(consents: ), which will trigger and provide the consent values.
    • Expanded the startChoice API by incorporating the gbcDelegate parameter. Setting this delegate to receive the corresponding callback is imperative.
    • Introduced a new API for displaying CCPA popups: showCCPA(ccpaDelegate: ).
    • Added a Privacy manifest. For more information, see Privacy updates for App Store submissions.
  • Deprecation:
    • Deprecated the usage of the startCCPA(pcode: , ccpaDelegate: ) API for displaying CCPA popup. You should use showCCPA(ccpaDelegate: ) instead.
  • Bug Fixes:
    • Ensured appropriate persistence of Do Not Sell My Data Switch State.
    • Rectified inaccuracies in CCPA values occurring under specific conditions.
    • Resolved the problem where the GDPR popup failed to re-trigger upon TCF version changes in the portal.

Version 1.1.1


  • Bug Fixes:
    • Improved Asynchronous Processes: Asynchronous processes have been improved to operate independently of the completion status of the didReceiveIABVendorConsent callback. This enhancement ensures a more seamless and predictable execution of concurrent tasks, contributing to a smoother user experience.

Version 1.1.0


  • Feature Enhancement:
    • Implemented support for configuring styles in both dark and light modes. For more information, see Customization for iOS App.
      let style = ChoiceStyle(preferredThemeMode: .auto, lightThemeStyleSheet: "LightStyleSheet", darkThemeStyleSheet: "DarkStyleSheet")
      ChoiceCmp.shared.startChoice(pcode: "< YOUR PCODE >", delegate: self, style: style)
  • Bug Fixes:
    • Publishers can now access purpose consent parameters via the Unity plugin on Native SDKs for downstream configurations. For more information, see Unity App Implementation (SDK).

Version 1.0.0


  • Feature Enhancement:
    • Introduced support for CocoaPods. For more information, see iOS App Implementation (SDK).
    • Excluded architectures no longer require the addition of arm64.
    • Modified bundle name to InMobiCMP and updated the bundle ID to "com.inmobi.cmp".
  • Bug Fixes:
    • Users can now access purpose details within the legitimate section.
    • The tab texts are now visible in dark mode. For more information, see Customization for iOS App.
    • Resolved issues with text and toggles displaying erratic behavior on the legitimate interest screen.
    • An error message is now generated when attempting to call the CCPA API without proper configuration from the portal.

Other Enhancements

  • Fixed download error for publishers accessing logs for any property on InMobi CMP portal.

On This Page

Last Updated on: 11 Jul, 2024