RTB responses contain bids that refer to specific impressions within the bid request. The bid response consists of the top-level bid response object and optional objects that depict the bids.
InMobi RTB platform treats the following response types as no-bids:
{"id": "1234567890", "seatbid": []}
{"id": "1234567890", "seatbid": [], "nbr": 2}
InMobi supports both the standard first price and the second-price plus auction models. Bids below the floor price are not considered in the auction.
The following sub-sections define each of the objects in the bid response model. Several conventions are used throughout:
Object |
Supported |
Extensions |
Bid Response (Top level object) |
Yes |
No |
Seat Bid |
Yes |
No |
Bid |
Yes |
Yes |
Attribute |
Type |
Description |
id |
string; required |
This is the unique identifier of the response. |
seatbid |
object array; required |
An array of seatbid objects |
bidid |
string; recommended |
Bidder generated response id to assist with logging/tracking. This functionality is currently not supported but the corresponding substitution macro is. |
cur |
string; recommended; default USD |
Bid currency using ISO-4217 alpha codes. |
nbr |
integer; recommended |
Reason for not bidding. For more information, see No Bid Reason Code. |
Attribute |
Type |
Description |
bid |
object array; required |
An array of 1+ Bid objects each related to an impression. Multiple bids can relate to the same impression. |
seat |
string; required |
The ID of the buyer seat (e.g., advertiser, agency) on whose behalf this bid is made. |
Attribute |
Type |
Description |
id |
string; required |
Bidder generated bid id to assist with logging/tracking. |
impid |
string; required |
Id of the Imp object in the related bid request. |
price |
float; required |
The bid price is expressed as CPM although the actual transaction is for a unit impression only. |
nurl |
String |
Win notice URL called by the exchange if the bid wins (not necessarily indicative of a delivered, viewed, or billable ad); optional means of serving ad markup. Substitution macros (Object: Regs) may be included in both the URL and optionally returned markup. |
burl |
string; required |
Billing notice URL called by the exchange when a winning bid becomes billable based on exchange-specific business policy (e.g., typically delivered, viewed, etc.). See Substitution Macros for more information. |
lurl |
String; optional |
Loss notice URL called by the exchange when a bid is known to have been lost. Substitution macros may be included. For more information, see Loss Reason Codes. |
adm |
string; required in case of non-native ads |
Ad markup for display and video responses. |
admobject |
object; recommended for native ads |
Ad markup object (Object: Native) for native responses. |
adid |
string |
The ID of a preloaded ad is to be served if the bid wins. This functionality is currently not supported but the corresponding substitution macro is. |
adomain |
string array; recommended |
Advertiser domain for blocklist checks. |
iurl |
string; recommended |
URL without cache-busting to an image that is representative of the content of the campaign for ad quality/safety checking. |
cid |
string; recommended |
Campaign ID to assist with ad quality checking; the collection of creatives for which iURL should be representative. |
crid |
string; recommended |
Creative ID to assist with ad quality checking. This must not be longer than 64 characters, otherwise, it will be truncated. |
cat |
string array; required |
IAB content categories of the creative. |
attr |
integer array; recommended |
Set of attributes describing the creative. |
api |
integer; recommended |
API required by the markup if applicable. Recommended wherever applicable, for example, for rich media banner ads, see API Frameworks. |
dealid |
String; required for a PMP deal |
Reference to the “deal.id” from the bid request if this bid pertains to a private marketplace direct deal. |
w |
integer; required for banner ads |
Width of the creative in device-independent pixels. Required for banner ads. |
h |
integer; required for banner ads |
Height of the creative in device-independent pixels. Required for banner ads. |
ext |
object |
Refer to the next section. |
Bidders can use these parameters to control a potential SKOverlay (available for SDK 9.1.7 and above) on iOS 14+ devices. The overlay can be triggered (with delay, or ‘0’ for no delay) after the video starts, the companion ad renders, or the user dismisses the overlay, but the ad remains open.
InMobi does not track clicks on SKOverlay, as Apple does not provide a click call-back.
Attribute |
Type |
Description |
position |
integer |
Position of the overlay. 0 = bottom, 1 = bottomRaised. Defaults to 0. |
dismissable |
integer |
If the user has the option to dismiss the overlay. 1 means it can be dismissed, 0 means it is static on the screen. Defaults to 1. |
video_delay |
integer |
Time duration (in seconds) after the video shows the overlay. Keep this unset (null) to not trigger based on video start. |
companion_delay |
integer |
Time duration (in seconds) after the companion ad renders to show the overlay. Keep this unset (null) to not trigger based on the companion ad render. |
integer |
Time duration (in seconds) after the presented StoreKit screen is dismissed before showing the overlay. Keep this unset (null) not to trigger based on StoreKit dismiss. |
On the response side, bidders need to explicitly mention the viewability vendors used so that the InMobi RTB platform can properly initialize the appropriate vendor libraries in-app. For more information on viewability, see Viewability Vendors.
Attribute |
Type |
Description |
dspId |
string |
DSP-id from exchange partners, if available. |
advId |
string |
Advertiser-id per the bidder’s data. |
advName |
string |
Advertiser-name per the bidder’s data. |
video |
object |
An object containing video-related extensions fields. |
string array |
An array of impression trackers InMobi fires along with the billable impression event (burl). This allows the DSP to send 3rd or 1st party impression trackers to be fired alongside the billing one. Ask your account manager to enable it. |
clicktrackers | string array | Array of click-tracking URLs to be fired on click. |
engagetracker | string | Tracking URL that is fired when a user interacts with the playable ad. |
landingurl | string | Landing URL where users are redirected to after clicking on the ad. Typically used for user acquisition and remarketing campaigns. |
deeplink | string | A direct link to open an app, typically for retargeting campaigns, using deeplink; if the app is not installed, the user is redirected to the landingurl as a fallback. |
campaigntype | Integer | 0 or NULL: UA campaign 1: Re-engagement campaign |
viewabilityvendors |
string array |
Viewability Vendor trackers present in the creative. Example: ['integralads.com', 'moat.com'] |
Attribute |
Type |
Description |
experience |
integer |
Video experiences used. Refer to No Bid Reason Code. |
Attribute |
Type |
Description |
ver |
integer; default 1 |
A version of the Native Markup version is in use. |
assets |
object array; required |
List of native ad’s assets. |
link |
object; required |
Destination Link. This is the default link object for the ad. |
imptrackers |
string array |
An array of impression tracking URLs, expected to return a 1x1 image or 204 response typically only passed when using 3rd party trackers. |
Attribute |
Type |
Description |
Id |
integer; required |
Unique asset id, assigned by exchange. |
required |
Integer; default 0 |
Set to 1 if an asset is required (exchange will not accept a bid without it). |
title |
object |
Title object for title assets. For more information, see Object: Title. |
img |
object |
Image object for image assets. For more information, see Object: Image. |
data |
object |
Data object for ratings, prices, etc. For more information, see Object: Data. |
link |
object |
For more information, see Object: Link. |
Attribute |
Type |
Description |
text |
string; required |
The text is to be placed in the text element. |
Attribute |
Type |
Description |
url |
string; required |
URL of the image asset. |
w |
integer; recommended |
Width of the image in pixels. |
h |
integer; recommended |
Height of the image in pixels. |
Attribute |
Type |
Description |
url |
string; required |
Landing URL of the clickable link. |
clicktrackers |
string array |
List of third-party tracker URLs to be fired on click of the URL. |
fallback |
string |
Fallback URL for deeplink. To be used if the URL given in the "url" property is not supported by the device. |
Macro |
Description |
Id of the bid request; from BidRequest.id attribute. |
Id of the bid; from BidResponse.bidid attribute. |
Id of the impression just won; from imp.id attribute. |
Id of the bidder seat for whom the bid was made. |
Id of the ad markup the bidder wishes to serve; from bid.adid attribute. |
Settlement price using the same currency and units as the bid. |
The currency used in the bid (explicit or implied); for confirmation only. |
Loss reason codes. |
${AUCTION_MINIMUM_BID_TO_WIN} | Minimum bid to win Exchange’s auction, using the same currency and units as the bid. |
By installing this SDK update, you agree that your Children Privacy Compliance setting remains accurate or that you will update that setting, whenever there is a change in your app's audience. You may update the app's Children Privacy Compliance settings at https://publisher.inmobi.com/my-inventory/app-and-placements.