Blended In-Game Ad Specs
Banner Ads
- Recommended formats: PNG, JPEG
- Supported formats: PNG, JPEG, DDS, GNF, KTX, GIF, TIFF, BMP, TGA
- Recommended aspect ratios: 4:3, 3:4, 3:2, 2:3, 6.4:1, 16:9, 6:5, 8.09:1
Aspect Ratio |
Size |
3:2 |
480x320 |
2:3 |
320x480 |
6:4:1 |
320x50 |
4:3 |
1024x768 |
3:4 |
768x1024 |
16:9 |
1920x1080 |
6:5 |
300x250 |
8.09:1 |
728x90 |

CBA restricted ad formats
- No flashing animated ads
- No call to action/ad interaction e.g. “click here” For more information about the Coalition for Better Ads Standards, see The Better Ads Standards.
Video Ads
- Recommended format: MP4 using H.264 codec is the most optimal format. In addition, the formats below are supported as well:
- Android: mp4, m1v, m2v, mp2, mpg, mpeg, m4v, mov, qt, 3gp, 3gpp, sdv, 3g2, 3gp2
- Apple (iOS/osx/tvos): mp4, m1v, m2v, mp2, mpg, mpeg, m4v, mov, qt, 3gp, 3gpp, sdv, 3g2, 3gp2
- Windows/Xbox/UWP: wmv, mp4, asf, mov
- PS4: m4v, mp4, mov
- Video Length: 3 to 30 seconds (6-15 seconds has the best results)
- Video file size: 15 MB or less (bigger sizes are supported but not recommended)
- Supported video frame rate: 30 frames per second or less
- Recommend audio sample rate: 48KHz or less
- Recommend audio codecs: PCM / MP3 / AAC
- Supported Video layout: Horizontal and vertical
- Recommended aspect ratios: 16:9, 4:3, 9:16, 3:4
- CBA restricted ad formats:
- No use of sound in videos
- No countdown to ad start
- No call to action/ad interaction e.g. “click here” For more information about the Coalition for Better Ads Standards, see The Better Ads Standards.
- Aspect ratio requirements vary per game; please confirm the available options per game in the advertiser catalog.
- Creative Resolution limits (calculated by ad height X ad width in pixels)
- On mobile platforms, video creatives with pixel count greater than 307,000 don't work
- On other platforms, video creatives with pixel count greater than 2,304,000 don't work.

Last Updated on: 06 Oct, 2022