Deep Linking

Know Before Implementing Deep linking on InMobi

InMobi enables Deeplinking by default for every DSP.


  • primaryUrl: It is a query parameter that ensures a deep linking to another application installed on the device.
  • fallbackUrl: It is a query parameter that takes the user to a web page when the desired application is not installed on the device.
  • primaryTrackingUrl: It is a query parameter that hits with an HTTP GET request when the primary URL is open.
  • fallbackTrackingUrl: It is a query parameter that hits with an HTTP GET request when the fallback URL is open.


Our SDK supports deep linking for the following cases (inmobideeplink://):

  • You must use inmobideeplink as the scheme.
  • You must mention the host path as navigate.
  • As desired, the creative can add as many & separated primaryTrackingUrl and fallbackTrackingUrl. SDK fires them all accordingly.


Use the following schema to ensure deep linking when you build the creative.



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마지막 업데이트 날짜: 14 Apr, 2022